Let’s talk Vi Support. I think there is a legitimate case for Vi support to not only work, but be an excellent choice with certain comps.

Vi has excellent engage, high mobility, exceptional burst damage, considerable single target CC and a fairly reliable way to apply it. With decent CDR her Q has a very short cooldown and can be landed twice in a quick skirmish. If you can control the bushes, she is terrifying inside them. She can really set the team up for plays, she can dive and pressure the squishies and she can hold her own against a surprising number of champions.

A perfect argument for Vi Support would be a Caitlyn ADC with a Yasuo Mid. Caitlyn is the perfect compliment; she makes up for your lack of poke and can zone the bushes for you. A landed trap should mean a landed Q, and the reverse is true. Your combined burst if you can hit a trap + Vi is hard to deal with. Typically if you don’t kill within the first fight, they are low enough that the second fight results in a kill during fight or after from Caitlyn ult. I’m pressure sure the Yasuo piece doesn’t need explanation.

How can this be optimized, and what are the huge drawbacks? So far I find Morgana to be a nightmare to lane into, and I really dislike anyone who can cancel the Vi Q.

  • VantaBlack2_DevB
    1 year ago

    Feels like a bad middle child, stuck between doing less damage then panth support, and being less useful then Alistar support