Fast forward 2-3 years and it’s very possible that we’re playing a style of basketball that other teams can’t compete with. It’s a worthwhile investment.

And now for the downvotes…We should go get Giddey right now. He’s the right lead guard to run it and he’d be available at a discount.

  • warboner65OPB
    1 年前

    The best info anybody has right now is that a brand new 21 year old (overeager with zero club experience) met somebody in a club (that presumably checks ID) who may or may not have sought him out. Somebody posted (what we think) is the girls’ TikTok featuring a video of someone with a grownup’s body doing grownup things. If this is what proves to have happened then the culpability isn’t really on Giddey since it would be un-fucking-reasonable to expect a 21 year old to have a screening process for this sort of thing. Guys will moving forward, though.

    Not to mention that the age of consent in both Australia and Oklahoma is 16. Meaning any place that Giddey has ever called home normalized and accepted that standard. I’m sure people who live in states where weed isn’t legal demonize states where it is legal but that doesn’t give Idaho the right to impose it’s standard on Colorado.

    Not to mention that the girl in the video posted doesn’t really look like the girl whose name is floating around. Maybe she is and we’re back to square one but is it possible that someone might be trying to do something that’s not on the level? This all started with an instagram post that got deleted, meaning most likely someone of a certain age demographic is our “whistleblower” and who the shit knows what the motivation might be. Everything is unclear right now.

    Not to mention that in every single high school in the world there are seniors banging freshman. And, guess what, there are college guys who go back home and bang high school freshman too. I’m sure all of you followed every rule to a T during the puberty years.

    Not to mention that it would be full blown naive to think that the Thunder/NBA don’t already know exactly what happened and there’s a reason no disciplinary action has been taken yet. Teams have been collecting intel on their players forever and it would make sense that no reprimand means no crime was committed. It’s entirely possible that all that’s happened here is a bunch of people’s individual righteousness has been offended.

    Not to mention the reckless use of the word “pedophile” in this case. If it’s proven that he sought out/groomed/tracked or any of that shit then, yes, the word applies. But if any of the above factors in then we need to find a different word to refer to this. That word is for people who have a compulsion towards underdeveloped bodies for sexual purposes that they cannot control. For people who will hunt to scratch that itch. It is NOT for a young and dumb athlete who made a poor choice in big titted blondes for the night. Maybe the wannabe SJWs should exercise a little impulse control before they crucify and wait for facts. Then crucify if appropriate.

    Please fill in the blanks where necessary. This is the only info I could find and if anyone has a clearer understanding of what happened can shine a light. My gut tells me this all eventually blows over and the right type of point guard for us might be available without spending meaningful equity. But if all you’ve got is “pEdO” then it’s hard to take you seriously.

    • Bonesawisready5B
      1 年前

      Nah man I didn’t date children when I was in college, a 22 year old dating a 17 year old is still creepy and pedophila. Don’t excuse this behavior. At best he’s attracted to a child who is 17 but he DEF was attracted to her before that. Just like Drake, any “we didn’t hook up til she was legal” is BS. He’s a millionaire baller, it’s about the age for him, or else he could be with almost anyone else

    • Mangoseed8B
      1 年前

      If all of that is true he sounds totally innocent. Then why would OKC “trade him for cheap” as you said? Gotta get your story straight my dude.

      • warboner65OPB
        1 年前

        Story is as straight as it gets. The value would be in when it all blows over. We don’t know how OKC would respond if public pressure mounts and in all likelihood his career isn’t going to be over. They might be forced to do something soon or decide it’s not worth the trouble.

        Some people sold Netflix stock at the first sign of trouble and some people were smart enough to pounce at $90. By 2025 this might look like that type of move because, in a purely basketball sense, the guy fits exactly where we’re heading.

        • Mangoseed8B
          1 年前

          Your plan hinges on Sam Presti doing something stupid. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

          Forced to do something soon by who? All the OKC fans think he didn’t do anything wrong. Forced to trade him to the team that had Josh Primo? LOL.

          Your whole story is he’s innocent but Sam Presti, Giddy’s agent, OKC org will all be forced to trade one of the best players in the league. Instead of you know…wait for the investigation. Charlotte is one of the dumbest organizations was smart enough to hold onto Miles Briges but OKC one of the smartest orgs will sell low. Stop. You’re being ridiculous.

          • warboner65OPB
            1 年前

            Dude, I don’t have time to teach you how the word “if” works.

            • Mangoseed8B
              1 年前

              Spend less time worrying about “if” and more time coming up with less shitty ideas. You’re probably a creeper who makes jokes about “grass on field”. Get lost creep