TLDR: Wanna go pro in league, but am not good at the game. Please help!

Hi. I’m a silver player (I’m working on it) who wants to get better and go pro. My plan isn’t to become a streamer or find some other career in League, I want to play on a pro team.

Currently, I am not great at the game. I think I’m ok with my mechanics, but my macro is lacking. Throughout the past year, I autopiloted most of my games, but now I’m ready to improve.

I’ve started watching my replays to observe my faults, but I still find myself sometimes making dumb mistakes early on: not capitalizing on opportunities (eg: roams) and being confused as the game transitions to the mid game. I also tend to throw by getting caught and dying late game because I position poorly.

The two roles I’m torn between right now are mid and jungle. I like jungle, but LS said it’s not good for learning the game because it skips a lot of aspects other roles have to deal with. I also like mid, but I don’t like being auto-filled 50% of the time, and sometimes jungle is more interesting to me.

I’m also considering maybe maining ADC. I mained the role for a while and I climbed from Iron 1 to Silver 4 with it.

I appreciate any and all advice.

My is Qepowi13 on NA.

  • backelieB
    10 months ago

    The easiest way to become a pro-player is to get rich enough that you can buy a pro team in a minor region. There are literally thousands of times more people in the world that are wealthy enough to do that than there are people skilled enough to be pros.