Toplane player here, who quit playing in 2021 after the TP changes that were supposed to nerf tp in pro, but also massively nerfed toplane impact pre 20 minutes.

I was p3-p2 before I stopped playing, and now I’m honestly stuck in g2 mmr.

Before If I could get a lead in lane, I genuinely felt like I had a chance of carrying. I’d run TP, but use proper wave management to avoid needing to TP to lane.

I would tell my bot to keep a deep ward and that I’d be able to tp bot to help spread my lead around the map. If they were behind but playing smart, I might be able to help them get back into the game.

Now, that just doesn’t seem to be the case since you’re only able to tp to towers pre 15. If I’m 3-0, that’s great, but I have very little impact unless I choose to RNG roam and risk letting the enemy top back into the game.

If my bots behind, chances are the enemy team is going to get at least 2 drakes for free, which in return helps the other team snowball on my behind team even more.

To compound this issue, there seems to be LARGE skill discrepancies on each team every game.

My MMR is apparently gold 2, but I’ll get anywhere from silver 4 to play 3 in the same lobby, and the results are pretty much exactly how you’d expect.

How can I expect my silver jungle to perform well against the enemy plat jgl? Games feel VERY coinflip because of the above issue.

And before anyone says “your silver player is probably a smurf”, that’s incorrect. No smurf will ever be silver. If you win your first placement game on a new account you’ll automatically start at g4 ~90 lp.

I’ve never felt less relevant in the outcome of my games, and that’s coming from a 5 yr toplane main.

  • ToplanersOPB
    1 year ago

    I dislike it quite a bit, especially when the meta is “teamfight for drakes” and you’re unable to contribute for the first 2 drakes unless you tp mid or bot tower and walk.

    I see more and more ignite laners now, because at least you can stat check, snowball your lane and be more relevant than enemy top at 20 minutes if the game isn’t already over by then