Hi, I work for a small business and the two partners are no longer speaking to one another. There have been disagreements for months, nothing to serious really, that compared in Partner A asking the other how much they would want as a buyout. This didn’t go well and had left a bad taste in Partner B’s mouth, Took it personally. Since then they don’t speak and I’m kind of caught in the middle. It sucks, not just for me but for the business. They both bring different skills to the table and their partnership should benefit the company but it feels like lack of communication and ego have made a series of small disagreements into a big deal.

I thought maybe I could fix it but I don’t know if that’s realistic. Should I suggest business mediation? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

  • Horse_Beef678OPB
    10 months ago

    Yeah, that’s what it feels like. Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into the therapist angle. Thanks.