What’s up y’all. I am a soon to be former Raider fan in Northern Cali. I was in denial that things wouldn’t change after they left Oakland a few years ago but…this team just ain’t the Raiders. Bowl Cut screwed us loyal California fans to chase Vegas money and destroyed the culture, the organization, and what little was left of his father’s legacy. Can’t do it anymore.

I listen to KNBR every day for years and have a tons of family and friends who are Niner fans who are telling me to join up.

  • ChicanoKobaOPB
    10 months ago

    Oh yes, I definitely agree on that. Having two teams in the bay was so much fun. I get the Raiders needed a new place but Mark should have sold to a football person who could keep them in the Bay or at least California. But he got the sweetheart deal in Vegas. It’s so different now man. No Black Hole, no energy in the stands (which are filled 80% visiting fans). Worst part is the casinos buy up lots of seats and bundle them, which attract non-football fans. These aren’t the Raiders I grew up watching. But I’m ready to turn the page. Thank you (and everyone here) for the warm welcome! My bro-in-law is gonna be pumped when I tell him 😂😂