Title sums it up pretty much. I’m just wondering how many champions ( especially in Mid/top, can be any role/champ tho ) there are that can just unexpectedly either kill you or just beat you to a pulp very early on if you’re not careful.

My best and only examples are Pantheon and GP. Spear shot literally solokilled one of the best Korean toplaners at lvl1, and solarbacca is sometimes able to just completely destroy lane starting lvl 1/2. Almost nobody expects these champs to be able to get a solo kill so early on, and it’s usually too late when the enemy realizes that they’re dead.

Do you guys know any other champs that can do this? can’t think of any other ones myself

  • deviant324B
    10 months ago

    I played Poppy support in flex queue (solo) a lot and even made it to diamond with it one season. Basically the enire point of the build is to cheese an early lead and snowball because you become completely useless after 1-2 item.

    What you need to make this work is offensive runes, electrocute, cheap shot, secondary runes can be whatever but cut down or whatever the low life damage rune was helps too. You also need ignite to counter heal.

    You can go in for a nasty trade lvl 1 (starting E) if you get a good opportunity, but your bread and butter cheese wants to get lvl 2. If you land a wall stun anywhere without the support healing or shielding the ADC (or you get one on a non-tank support), E ->Q ->Ignite ->AA (->Q2) can instantly kill a squishy character especially if they’re not lvl 2 yet somehow (rough because you have no real pressure on the first wave).

    If your adc isn’t completely asleep at the wheel they can also easily get an assist in on this or take the kill themselves. Even if the enemy survives they almost definitely need to back or play extremely carefully so an adc who knows how to handle their wave can take it from there.

    Itemization is rough, I’ve tried a bunch of different things my conclusion has been that going tanky is a waste of time because you’re so starved for resources that you’ll never not feel squishy, even if you build tank while massively ahead. Building damage is the play and I liked Umbral Glaive a lot for the utility, however with a Cleaver we’re going a little more supportive and in my experience your team flames your item choice a lot less when there’s some HP on your first major item.

    With a Cleaver you can still oneshot people who aren’t building a defensive item first assuming you’re on roughly even footing. After that dead man’s is neat for speed and burst, a defensive item that makes sense to grab.

    Biggest issue with this pick is that your enemy can very easily figure out what you’re up to if they pay at least a little attention and if neither enemy laner ever walks close enough to a wall to stun them you’re fucking useless. Roams aren’t the greatest since finding stuns in mid is hard but it’s doable, encounters with the jungler are also a very mixed bag since you can also just oneshot a jungler early on (if you know jungle routes and stuff you should 100% try to invade) and this is in fact one way to avoid a gank, just engage the jungler who’s hugging a wall because 90% of the time they’re just setting themselves up to die for free there so the gank has to be called off. If you can’t delete the jungler while trying to roam though chances are you’re screwed since outside of your burst you’re super squishy