Not an OKC fan or trying to make excuses for Giddey, but is it possible Giddey met her at a party or something and it was a one night stand or just a few day-long stint?

I mean, it was in Cali, and I’m not aware that he spends extended periods there, although it’s very possible since it’s practically a second (or first) home for celebrities like him. So my thinking is (this is just a theory I have no idea what the hell im talking about) he could have been in California for a week and met her there and hit it off, then after a few days he flew back home. It’s not uncommon for teenage girls to lie about their age to get with men much older than them, and if you think you have a chance with a celebrity that’s even more motivation.

Or maybe it goes much deeper than that (which it probably does), but it’s just so bizarre that he’s recording videos and posting pictures with this girl if he knew she was 15, 16, or however old she is. I mean how can he possibly be that stupid, when just less than a year ago Ja gets two suspensions for showing a gun for a second on an IG live? No doubt this situation is much more serious either; I just can’t believe anyone could be that stupid.

There’s very limited information on this situation and so it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not and the context of it all. Either way though it is definitely not a good look. But something in me just doesn’t buy that a young up-and-coming NBA player would make such a huge mistake when the same thing on a smaller scale happened last season. It just doesn’t add up to me. But crazier shit has happened.

  • oldmastacannoliB
    10 months ago

    Mistake of fact (here, a mistake re: the minor’s real age) is generally not a defense to statutory rape. It often IS a defense to other crimes (e.g. you’re carrying a kilo of cocaine but honestly think it’s baking soda, and can convince a jury of that fact) but traditionally, American courts have carved out statutory rape as a crime they don’t feel comfortable extending the defense of “mistake of fact” to.

    Of course, not to say Josh Giddey would even get charged with this conduct (at this point, publicly available evidence is shaky, and unclear if any other evidence is forthcoming), but if he did, “I didn’t know her age” would probably not get him much traction in American court.