I know this is gonna be such an original thing to bitch about but im sorry im just irritated. I just don’t understand why people are rude for no reason at all? Or not just rude but SCREAMINGG ANGRY. Was playing comp (ofc) and had some real good games and a winning streak. Eventually got to the “probably not a win” game. someone starts being rude and loud after I politely asked in text chat “maybe more flanky type dps for this round if yall don’t mind!” ( I was dva on attack first round, he was widowmaker. I think I had 7-8 elims and he had 8-9. He wasnt doing bad at all the other team was just really pressuring us.) He started typing out how since I’m tank I need to be doing way more dmg/elims than dps (which I don’t agree with). I explained prioritizing defending the team and diving have to have some balance but he just started calling me slurs and screaming at me. I asked him several times if we could just talk and communicate like normal it would help us win and he said “IM PLAT!! GO TO QUICKPLAY IF YOU WANT TO TALK IM HERE TO WIN” and so on.

I just want to know like…is this game really worth being an ass over? If someone is being rude sure I get yelling at them but if someone is being nice why be shitty? Why do some people not want to communicate. I tried so hard. I told him “I’m really truly sorry if I hurt you in some way can we please work together and be cool” and he just would not stop throwing random ass slurs and yelling. I asked if something really personal was making him lash out and got nothing.

Has anyone ever been this mad? If so why? Or just bitch with me idk. I’m not the best player I’m not saying I was great. I just want to have fun man. Comp is serious I know but at the end of the day it’s still just a game. Idk sorry this is long and dumb haha I just really love this game but people ruin it for me.

  • dancetokenB
    10 months ago

    its overwatch fam. im so used to this now lol. i watched someone do a Unranked to GM and noticed that they had game/match/voice chat completely off.

    Im thinking of doing this because some teammates are so fucking stupid that it sometimes actually affects my overall day. Like this one ranked experience from I think last monday is still pissing me off (stopped playing ranked afterwards).