I fucking had it. These cosmetics are so garbage I just want to play the game without deciphering through these freak costumes and glitter bombs on my screen.

It’s bad enough they keep swinging the meta back and forth hoping to get the perfect formula for pubs, pros and viewers. I wish they treated Dota 2 and most eSports games like football or basketball where you keep the fabric of the game the same and allow the players to dictate how the game is played.

Larger changes, like reworking jungle, adding tp points, changing moon wells to shrines to outpost to tormentors, rune changes etc… have all been complete shit. I remember the first Roshan move and how scrutinized and thought it was. I wish they left the map alone for longer periods of time to understand the play more. It’s literally like moving the goalposts in sports, way too many changes occurring at once to have any continuity. Also, smaller and more frequent incremental balances on hero’s would really tighten up each patch and allow for more hero’s to be viable.

Anyways, please let me know if you can turn off cosmetics/spell effects and thanks for listening for an old grumpy Dota player who has long hated the mass changes more than anything else.

  • Succre1987B
    10 months ago

    Not trying to be a dick here. From the Hero selection. You already know who is who regardless of cosmetics. You lane with them and possibly roaming/rotate to pick off opponents. I dont know what’s the problem here unless you have 15" Monitor with a powerful CPU/GPU for all those shining shimmering effects.

    Just saying…