I want to understand the fascination some people have with this theme. How did you started with it? Is it a Hobby or your Job? I am not a native speaker, still learning english, so sorry for mistakes.

  • funin2022B
    10 months ago

    My wife’s father is retired & loves his golf game to an extreme. I recently showed him some night sky photos I took when visiting his home. A little puzzled, he asked “what do you do with them?”…in a nice friendly manor I asked “what do you do with your golf game after it’s done?”

    No criticism was intended. My question back was only to try and explain that just doing the activity was fun. Like reading, playing a game, watching a show it doesn’t have to be anything more then a pleasure doing it. If I record a great moment it’s even more satisfying to know (along with luck) I helped create the appeal of it with my skill set.