I admit, I am not amazing at overwatch. I range from mid gold to mid plat and it changes every season. I’m not asking for people in my ranks to carry me through every game, but what I do ask is that they group up. Group up with me. Come to me for healing. Fall back. Group up. Group up with me. Fall back. Fall back. Come to me for healing.

If you are at 6hp, please stop rushing in. I cannot outheal the entire enemy team. I don’t ask for you to be the best dps in the game, I ask for you to play the team game like you have a team. I just don’t get it.

  • ClassicDemand7315B
    11 months ago

    coming back out of spawn spamming fall back & group up as i watch my yellow health genji going in 1v5, attempt to ult and immediately fall over and die… watching my team stand straight infront of bastion turret form and atleast 2 falling over and dieing instead of jst taking one step to the side and standing behind cover… being the one to have to kill any kind of turrets bc apparently only I can see them… it is hell