The last 4 games I have had a mei doing nothing but walling in spawn, a sombra who was just exploring Samoa, a game where my team couldn’t even get out of spawn, and a Lucio riding around the lava map. I get that it’s quick play, but the point is quick PLAY not kill or chill.
It seems every match I have, the matchmaker gives me wood 5 team mates, when I just want to have a fun game before bed. The leaver penalty is ridiculous, because if I leave 2 games i am done for the night. I don’t have enough time to play a comp game, and the 10 min penalty is entirely off putting.
I do have to give credit where credit is due, I haven’t been backfilled. But I would rather be backfilled a little more and then given a priority pass than to be stuck in a match with these clowns.
I just want a fun match, nothing competitive, but that’s what I am forced to play if I want even a semi competent team.
Overwatch one was better in literally every aspect. I want to play that game, but with Junker Queen.
You are definitely right. QP is also a game to PLAY and what it means is you should try to WIN at least a bit. You wanna explore a new map dealing 0 damage and 0 heal? Go make a custom game. I mean if you can do anything in QP because it’s QP, using aimbot, leaving 100 games in order, and being racist should be allowed too. Which should never happen.