Hi all,

Excited to join the Framework club soon! My Ryzen 13" finally shipped a couple days ago 😊

Currently, my FedEx the shipment is hung up in Anchorage (came from Taiwan) and the status is Clearance Delay. Last time this happened to me I was ordering something custom/expensive via Estsy that came from Hong Kong, and shortly after I got a $90 customs invoice from FedEx.

Is that going to happen again with this order? I’ve seen some forums on here that Framework covers import/customs fees but I’ve only seen people discuss that with respect to the EU/UK. Not sure if the same applies for US. Thanks!

  • xpbhB
    10 months ago

    We might be in the same parcel, mine also says “Clearance delay - Import” stuck in Anchorage bound for US.

    FedEx’s tracking specifies: “Clearance instructions from the importer are required.” Framework is the importer, right? I’m guessing I don’t have to do anything but wait.