Hi I am new to this genre. I am a top 500 Overwatch 2 player (tank) and am struggling to learn this game. I have been playing top lane and support on Teemo and Lulu. I just randomly picked them, no reason at all.

theres so many champs. I dont know these characters or the abilities. feel like everyone else has way more range then me, so im stuck shooting minions. I dont like the way the tanks function in this game compared to Overwatch. Its completely different so been trying Support.

I have someone trying to teach me but they are also a casual at the game and feel like she is misleading me.

Im only on day 4 and am level 15 already, but still feel like an awful player. I want to get good at a new game as I hit the top ranks in the two games I played and am simply just bored of them.

What are the main things I should focus on to get ready for ranked? I learn from playing but dont know what to focus on? the characters and there abilities? playing other characters? theres just an insane amount of information in this game. Any youtube videos to help teach me or is the best way to just keep playing?

  • KatyaBelliB
    10 months ago

    Play two champs in quickplay (support and a lane) and just learn them. Disable chat. Focus on what you can control (last hitting, staying alive) and gradually integrate macro play like objectives, roaming for teamfights, and keep minimap awareness/vision up.

    Once you feel you can compotently pilot a champ, start branching out to learn others’ kits but keep your focos on the aforementioned fundamentals.