To start off with I’m referring to the role not the actual champions. We can all agree kiting, spacing, and certain champions require high skill in order to play at the perfect level. And I tip my hat to anyone that can master these skills and champions.
My focus is on the role purely. My main argument as all you need is to have a better mental than the opposing adc and you’ve won. If you haven’t I’d highly recommend to take a look at the adc subreddit and you’ll see countless posts complaining about the role. While I think a large majority of these complaints are fair, it’s a clear sign that in order to win as adc is to listen to music, deep breaths, and wait till the opposing adc decides to run it down.
In all sincerity and all jokes aside give it a shot. Play a game, don’t rage, don’t type. You’ll win all due to the thanks the enemy adc hates his “underpowered” role
As someone who reached plat+ in every single role last season, adc was the most frustrating climb. And it had everything to do with the zoomer support role having the attention span of a gold fish. Sitting in a lane and farming from safety with double the vision of any role is easy. Farming from safety where every game some random child decides to fight with zero regard of wave status or power spike is impossible. Then they get mad and leave you to get beaten like a red headed step child after a good or bad start, doesn’t matter!
Adc is an easy role if you don’t mind playing a 1v2 and farming. It is only hard because support players make it hard. These degenerates are never forced to learn macro in the slightest. They have no concept of playing toward a spike or late game while supporting the most late game scaling role in the game. And they are all ego driven assholes who think they can emulate pro play.
Imagine my surprise when support was the easiest climb of all my climbs. All I had to do was keep my adc alive and safe and I won 90% of my games… Not to mention the most basic wave management punishes most back timings. Your support can set up a freeze or crash a wave on a bad timing? That’s it games won.