This is something I’ve thought for awhile. The basics of it are :

LCS has a few major glaring issues, many of them are long term and hard to fix. The player pool is small. The viewership has shrunk. And the talent pool is small. CBLoL has the issue of being a minor region, which feels almost impossible to overcome.

I think there is already some precedent to this, in multiple ways. The LCS absorbed OCE. And more importantly, in Valorant, the whole region of “America” is included as one, including the USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, and so on.

Brazilian fans are insanely passionate about their teams, and Brazil as a country is huge, while other smaller countries like Mexico would help add small boosts. I think this would benefit LCS as a whole by greatly increasing viewership and the talent pool, and this would greatly benefit CBLoL and other minor regions by throwing them into a major region with more competition. Not just that, but CBLoL has some seemingly great orgs in it, such as LouD that would be a huge benefit to the LCS, unlike some other orgs such as EG which recently left.

I think the two biggest issues that come along with this is

  1. What orgs would be part of the LCS in this case, and what ones would leave? Can you just kick out a random team?
  2. The whole logistics of it. You’d be asking players from Brazil to suddenly move to America, away from their families and everything. For some, this might be a good thing, they have a chance for more money (?), for greater competition, and greater chances to go to things like worlds and MSI, for others, they may be unable to leave their lives behind.

Obviously the whole idea is much more complicated and complex than that, but I think that is the gist and TLDR of it and what it would mean or challenges that would be faced. I was wondering if anyone ever had any similar ideas, or if this post might provoke any thoughts!

  • JPLangleyB
    10 months ago


    Do you realize how far away Sao Paulo is from Los Angeles?