Their problem is that they are too loyal. You do not see an aging player, with a clear decline in talent, whose team is still relying on that player in the same role and expecting the same level of production, on good teams. Good teams get rid of players that are weighing them down or don’t have a future.

For example; long time franchise players later in their career or players looking for the 3rd big contract but production doesn’t warrant the money.

The coaching on this team has been good. There has been a good amount of development of players to being good quality players in the NFL. Guys on their rookie contracts that are mid round picks playing well. So if those things are true, why have a team that has 11+ 30 year olds all of whom have fairly large roles on the team. 20.75% of players on the team are 30+, and 20.5% of money spent is on those players, while the outlook on those players is retirement soon. As opposed to players that have another 5-6 years until they reach 30. (Numbers used in calculating found on

Yes, there are certain exceptions to this. Sometimes an older player is fine and a few around is probably good.

If you look at the teams that are the oldest by average age (entering this year) they are not good teams (jets, bills, patriots, raiders). The good teams in the NFL have veterans and older players starting that are still near top of their positions, not relying on them because the future wasn’t planned for at all.

The team is bottoming out at what should be an expected time. The veteran band aids the team kept getting year after year are not stopping the arterial bleed that is the current state of affairs. If McDermott and Beane were not so loyal to older players, the present and future would probably look a whole lot brighter.

TLDR: The bills are too old because McDermott/Beane are too stubborn to get more people that look half as good in shorts as Josh.

  • kompletistB
    10 months ago

    We’re around the same average age as the 49’ers and nearly half of their highest paid players are on the wrong side of 30. Von is the only guy we have on the books in our top 10 in regard to total contract value.

    If you want to feel younger, cut Sam Martin and AJ Klein. Replace them with undrafted free agents. Boom, you’ve just drunk from the fountain of youth. I hope you feel reinvigorated Buffalo.