Inkbound ,had a huge update that just removed monetization and added 2 new classes while reworking game’s stat system a bit
Void rains upon her heart, great bullet hell boss rush game I got in the mood for after trying the rabbit&steel demo during the next fest
Fae farm, wanted to try it looked fun and a bit more then stardew valley, didn’t get too far before my session was interrupted on Wednesday by a power outage
Inkbound ,had a huge update that just removed monetization and added 2 new classes while reworking game’s stat system a bit
Void rains upon her heart, great bullet hell boss rush game I got in the mood for after trying the rabbit&steel demo during the next fest
Fae farm, wanted to try it looked fun and a bit more then stardew valley, didn’t get too far before my session was interrupted on Wednesday by a power outage