The same 5 man squad too, and the same ones I’ve been reporting for the last month and a half or so. It’s so discouraging. And it’s especially bad when your whole team knows they are hackers since before the match begins, but you still have to wait 2 rounds to surrender. And sometimes teammates afk and won’t vote so you have to play all 4 rounds to lose.

Please allow us to surrender from the beginning, or to mark a player as “avoid” so you don’t get matched with/against them (maybe have only a couple of slots for that to prevent abuse).

Seriously once you get matched it’s better to stop playing (or at least switch modes) or you are just gonna end up wasting a bunch of time.

  • Voidx-sB
    10 months ago

    People would to think to stop quieng after the 2nd game in a row