I knew it!! At this point it might seem like an odd thing to post, but i can’t help but be very curious about how it all went down and why Tomlin fairly obviously lied when he said the decision was his, and his alone. If you watched Tomlin stand at the post game presser of that offensive disaster in Cleveland and say things like “exactly the type of game we anticipated” and that the Brown’s defense is so good that they “make a lot of offenses look that coupled”…it was just a big word salad avoiding the obvious point that the offense was really embarrassing. Nothing about his words or demeanor even mildly indicated a level of frustration with Canada that you would expect if he was about to, on his own, decide to fire him days later. As Ed Bouchette says in the link, a head coach probably doesn’t “want people thinking the boss ordered him to fire one of his assistants because that does not reflect well on the coach.” Could also be that Rooney didn’t want it known, making him appear overly aggressive and losing confidence in Tomlin to make these decisions. I would be very curious to see whose idea it was to publicly say this was Tomlin’s doing, when it was not.

  • SleestakLightningB
    10 months ago

    Art II, as the owner, has to approve all moves. So, in a sense, he had to be the one to fire Canada because if he didn’t want him gone, he’d still be on the staff.