I’ve been doing this thing recently where I’ll make a list of the chapters in the book and every time I finish a chapter I’ll write a small summary and even highlight it a color that feels appropriate if I feel it would help me remember it better. I’ll show you what I mean.


This series had 5 books so after every chapter I tried to summarize it as succinctly as I could.

What I noticed is that this helped me memorize so much more than I usually do about a book. Because I’m always coming back to the list as I progress thru the book, I spend more time looking at how the story is structured, how the pacing has been, and where I think the story might go next.

Plus if I ever in the future forget details, I’m sure looking over this will quickly refresh me.

Do you take any notes? It’s obviously not necessary, but it seems to help.

  • Responsible-Club-393B
    10 months ago

    I started doing this recently :)

    I started out with annotating - but sometimes I don’t know what to annotate - and I found it helped me remember more of the book.

    Then I got a journal from a book subscription box, and I figured why not use it 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I started writing down questions I had, things that didn’t make sense, things of note, etc. And I felt it helped connect me even more to the story 😅

    An unfortunate side effect is that I feel like I can’t read without an arsenal of tools now 😅😅😅