And this goes for any game really, I remember playing cyberpunk at launch, no mans sky at launch and I know this last one is going to give me a bunch of hate because it’s the new punching bag and if you actually like it “you love playing steaming hot piles of shit” but I both play and enjoy Starfield a lot. Daily and have been playing daily ever since early access and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon and what I’ve learned from each of these games especially starfield is that if you want to have fun in it you’re going to have fun with it. it’s not a game for everyone (which is fine) and I definitely both see and understand SOME of the criticisms of it but I still have fun with it, and the devs are obviously going to work on it to add more and improve it. Heck same for games like Andromeda which got tore apart constantly to the point the devs abandoned it. I had fun with it and enjoyed it even its multiplayer, it had potential which cyberpunk did, no mans sky did (which you see how good it is now) and starfield DOES.

Anyway to sum it up even if a game is judged bad by the very loud majority of people or critics there is always going to be a way to have fun with them if you want to.

Edit: heck mad props to the people that stuck with and had fun with Anthem, I lost enthusiasm for it when I played the beta after being hyped for it for so long but man you guys are some troopers

  • RxClawsOPB
    11 months ago

    Very true, for me a game that reviewed very well and is one I just couldn’t get into is Baldurs gate 3. I bought it and refunded more than a few times as a means to try and really push myself to enjoy it but I just couldn’t and I refunded and haven’t bought it again.

    I can’t put my finger on why exactly I didn’t enjoy it but its just nothing I did made me like it which is funny because I enjoyed wasteland 3 that has somewhat similar combat to BG3