Looking at the advantages, the 7800xt has:

  1. 10% lower price

  2. 4 more gigs of vram

  3. 6% better raster performance.

The 4070 has:

  1. Better frame gen

  2. Better upscaling via dlss

  3. Better drivers

  4. Better rt performance

  5. CUDA for the few people that actually need it.

  6. Better power efficiency.

  7. The ability to use both dlss and fsr. If a game just has dlss, amd users are screwed.

All in all I think the AMD card is still the underdog based in advantages and needs to be at least 15% cheaper in order to sway buyers to team red. For just a $50 price difference, the team green advantages are too stacked imo.

Edit: this is of course in the US market. Every market is different.

  • Mother-Translator318OPB
    11 months ago

    Yup. You hit the nail on the head. Of course raw performance is still king, but features, especially upscaling, are the queen. Upscaling is extremely important now to the point where it’s easily worth an extra 10% to get dlss. On top of that nvidia gets both dlss and fsr meaning they are set no matter what. It’s a tough situation for amd