When Sarper said Shekinah was a slut and a bitch, he seemed shocked that the sister was offended by that. And Shekinah acting like she was offended as well was definitely phony. She knows he struggles to come up with the right English words to express himself and she could have explained this to her sister instead of feeding into the drama. In any real family situation, this would have been explained because a real family wouldn’t want all the drama. They’d want you to understand the person you’re about to spend the rest of your life with, right? If that was really the plan. So this only feeds into the fact that this is all for tv.

The plastic surgeries aren’t only what they’re all about. It’s also the fake story line. Can you actually picture them spending a day alone in the apartment without their makeup on and just hanging in their pajamas, cuddling and reading on a Sunday afternoon? Thats what real relationships do. This one is for the camera.

  • Miss_Kit_KatB
    1 year ago

    Did you see the two carry-ons that she brought for her “move” to Turkey?

    That’s the first tip-off that this storyline is off…Shekinah seems like the type to have a pair of ugly leggings for every day of the month and a whole suitcase just for hair products.

    They shouldn’t be on this show at all, but if we have to see them, they should be on B90, not The Other Way.

    • queenofdanOPB
      1 year ago

      Yes! You’re right! I didn’t think of that. This is the scammiest scam. There’s no love there. Even whe. She says they have excellent sexual chemistry, you can tell she’s lying through her teeth. She’s just saying words to either make the relationship sound legitimate or so she won’t hurt his feelings because he’s terrible in bed….or….they’ve never slept together. 🤷🏼‍♀️