I would 100% say Genji! This is due to how much potential there is when it comes to his interactions with the main antagonists, Ramattra and Doomfist. Ramattra is because Genji was under the mentorship of Zenyatta, and we already know how that ties in to Ram, so I don’t need to say much else. Doomfist, however, would be due to Genji’s background as a crime scion, and as a member of Blackwatch, as two Blackwatch operatives are part of Talon’s upper echelon, and both the Shimada clan and the Talon organization are/were powerful criminal organizations, so a good writer could potentially draw a ton of cool parallels, and it would provide an opportunity to flesh out Genji’s past. It would also create a sort of “unlikely hero” story, where Genji completely transcends any sort of connection he still had to his father. We could even have it to where Genji’s father maybe worked with Talon, fleshing out both organizations a bit. Also, Genji would be an excellent basis for a great combat system and potentially badass fight choreography. I’m curious on what you all think about this as a concept, and who you think would be an interesting hero.