This is what I normally get into

Halo, state of decay 2, some cod, pokemon, a bit of minecraft I don’t like it this days. Have played boarderlands. Witvher 3 and cyberpunk 2077 I did enjoy the many Simpson’s game growing up as well.

I mostly played combat evolved a lot

What other game genres to try

I find I struggle with rpgs and singleplayer I’ll never finish them.

I have finished the spider man game but it felt easier to finish tbh.

I’ve tried roguelites but tbh idk I don’t think I really liked top down games.

I did mostly grow up with halo so I didn’t branch out enough tbh.

I mainly want a game or games to keep my brain busy tbh.

Survival games are fun but majority of these barely feel finished, I did like state of decay 2 though just wish we were able to build our own bases.