Advice for January / February travel

I’m a 29 yr old male, single business owner working in EST timezone (12pm to around 8pm GMT in my timezone currently) to service 🇺🇸 clients.

I live in the North of England 🌧 and need to get shot of these short days and get a change of scenery in January time. I’m struggling currently with the climate and how mundane the town I live in is! Struggling for creativity…

I’ve dabbled with solo travel before in Asia last year, Italy and the Netherlands but want to broaden my horizons and take a leap for 2024. Test myself and go somewhere new.

I’m a little burnt out after a long year so wouldn’t mind somewhere quiet but stimulating to try and get some energy back for 2024. I’m into hiking, surfing, beer, art and karaoke!

Any suggestions welcome 🙏

  • Quick-Original4773B
    10 months ago

    Escaping the dreary English winter for some inspiration sounds like a great plan! Based on your interests, I’d suggest Costa Rica. It’s perfect for hiking, has amazing surf spots, and the local craft beer scene is growing. The vibrant art culture and laid-back atmosphere might be just what you need to recharge. Plus, the time zone difference isn’t too drastic for your work. And a tip from my travels: use Rebookify for hotel bookings. It helped me find some cozy spots without breaking the bank. Happy travels, and may you find what you’re looking for