I’ve been really disappointed by the new Double Tap feature since I got the S9 last month. On top of not having many use-cases, the watch didn’t recognize every time I did the gesture which made it really frustrating to use.

I just realized though that I like to wear my bands on the slightly looser side, which I guess makes it way harder for the watch to recognize when you do the gesture. Tightening up my band has helped tremendously and the watch basically never misses it now.

The lack of many use-cases still is a bummer though. How are you guys using it?

  • unfunfionnB
    10 months ago

    I like the feature but find it unreliable and the implementation is a bit messy for my liking. I use it for timers (when it works, which is usually after 2-3 attempts) and for dismissing notifications. The issues I’m having:

    • It doesn’t dismiss timers at the first attempt, it always takes 2-3
    • For many notifications, it doesn’t dismiss them, it opens them. I find this really inconsistent and rarely what I want, since double tap means I can’t use both hands and opening a notification is more interaction than I’ve already indicated I’m capable of at that moment
    • I don’t find the widgets/stacks useful. I would much rather double tap to open and scroll through the notification list. I put two weather widgets in the stack to at least make double tap slightly useful for now.
    • For my morning alarm, the screen doesn’t always wake up immediately and double tap doesn’t work when the screen is asleep, so this is a bit pointless. It feels like a bug though.
    • Why can I start a workout with double tap but I can’t end one? At least show me the screen with the End and Pause buttons and let me double tap End, then it’s relatively certain I’m not ending it by accident.