Chatter Shield has owned the telegram raid bot section since their launch in July, but there is a new King in town - enter $WOLF.

WolfOnSolana ($WOLF) launched 2 days ago on Solana and aim to bridge meme with utilty. They are currently in the latter stages of perfecting their Raid2Earn telegram bot, where you earn points from raiding X (twitter) posts, which can be exchanged to $WOLF, $SOL or NFTs. The bot is already super easy to use, just register your X (twitter) handle and your wallet (no connection needed) and get raiding!

This has the potential to revolutionize how every project on any chain do raids. The impact from implementing the $WOLF bot into your raiding can skyrocket your communities involvment which will give the raids so much more impact. $WOLF is a multichain utility project, as their Raid2Earn bot could be implemented into any telegram channel no matter what blockchain the project is on.

If you haven’t snapped it up yet think about this for a sec - ChatterShield sits at ~1M marketcap on Ethereum - WolfOnSolana sits at ~22K marketcap on Solana.

As it is still really early for $WOLF it is always a bit of a gamble, but the team is always present, never stops their development and perfecting their bot, there’s already a core community that supports the project and the potential is immense to say the least.

Join the telegram , chat with the team and get a feel for the project. Conviction play for me but always dyor and manage your own risks.




CA: 3EagcZ66c8z2hZdFSd5412yEW9U48AAb9P6d1yhjuGmY


WolfOnSolana ($WOLF) - Raid2Earn

  • CryptoPoopyShietB
    10 months ago

    This has to be a scam considering every single comment mentions the “utility” of this garbage. Use caution, could be scam to drain your wallet.

    • ChrHarOPB
      10 months ago

      You never have to connect your wallet, so that risk doesn’t appear. Please do you research before you go and call projects a scam. Join the telegram and check it out, if you still have the same opinion then fair enough, that your right. I believe their raid2earn bot has potential.