I am a true Dolfan that is usually very realistic and believes in one game at a time!! However, I was looking forward to the rest of the regular season and realized that if we are as good as our record states we SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE REST OF THE GAMES including Cowboys, Ravens and Bills!! We are in control of our destiny but we must be able to prove to ourselves that we can play in the big leagues w good teams. I don’t want to dream any longer I want this to be reality:))


  • Number333B
    10 months ago

    6-0 would be “we’re getting the #1 seed in the AFC and SB is very real possibility”

    5-1 would be “this team is freaking awesome, maybe #1 seed, I’M PSYCHED”

    4-2 would be “this team’s a damn good football team, with right matchups and picking at the right time we can surrpise people”

    3-3 would be the bare minimum, if we lose the final 3 weeks, “can’t beat good teams” narrative will be insane

    2-4 would be a disappointment and we may fumble the division

    1-5 would be super bad and morale would be damn near dead finishing 9-8 AGAIN

    0-6 would… 0-6 would be apocalyptic for this franchise. Firings very plausible.