Just taking a peak at their sub is so pathetic after every loss. Blaming the refs every time, saying the game is rigged, every other team gets calls they don’t. Insane. They are really out here insinuating the league rigged the game against CURRY for the KINGS.

It just is so hilarious watching Warriors fans complain about fouls completely ignoring the fact that Draymond, or really anyone on that team, but especially Draymond, has never set a legal screen in his life. I understand this is relatively commonplace in the NBA now, however Draymond takes it to the extreme just like with everything he does.

YES. Curry gets grabbed and fouled by people trying to keep up with him that doesn’t get called. Kind of the trade off you have to be willing to accept when draymond has been allowed to pass and then go truck the defender guarding curry for the last decade. Then scream at the ref in the face if they dare call an illegal screen. Gtfoh.

  • LotterySnubB
    10 months ago

    They have two of the biggest flopping floppers in the league. Are there any players more unlikable than Draymond Green and Chris Paul. I cannot think of any.

    • RoonerthB
      10 months ago

      I still don’t know how Dray didn’t get a flop call for the phantom elbow from Trey especially because they had just called a flop on Sasha (which got overturned, thank goodness). That said, that would have meant he’d end up with two techs and be ejected which means he doesn’t choke the rest of the game so maybe I guess it worked out in our favor lmao.