I tend to either act as a data hoarder, but most of the time end up being overwhelmed with anxiety about having so much data. Even when I just look at my personal photos, I just feel impeding doom knowing it can only grow and grow, it will never get smaller.

I was wondering if this had a term.

And coming from this question, I am just amazed by this community. What has prompted your interest in data hoarding?

  • cosmin_cB
    10 months ago

    He straight up told me that he despised his past

    That is so sad :(

    I still have all the memories (photos, etc) and when I open them I feel nothing but gratitude because even if they’re not so happy memories I learned a lot from those experiences. We are all out past, not just what we like. “All sunshine makes a desert” say the arabs and they’re definitely not wrong.