I know the question may sound stupid but trust me it’s not. I value flash very highly. So, I tend to hold onto flash for as long as possible. This has cost me lanes and games. When I watch high elo vods they treat flash just like any other ult. I mean in those vods flashes are burnt like it’s nothing big. But that summoner spell has the highest cooldown next to tp. How can they use it without much concern? I sometimes get chances to kill my enemy with flash but refrain from using it aggressively. Sure it may give me the kill but what about the next 5 mins I have to play with flash disadvantage and scared of enemy ganking. Isn’t it better to use flash to escape?(Always)
Any comments will be much appreciated. Thanks for support. Also, I have only played this game for only 1.5 years. So, I am sure your advice will be helpful
Use flash when it’s cool. If it doesn’t make you look cool don’t use it.