I grew tired of the OS I used most of my life, Ubuntu. I fear updates. I used to like fixing things and tinkering, now I want my OS to just work with as few problems as possible. Is NixOS good for this, or does the happy path require me to like tinkering and fixing broken things?

  • cfx_4188B
    10 months ago

    I fear updates

    It is better to reinstall Ubuntu than to perform a system update.


    What do you mean by “personal customization”? Rising, flashy colors and rounded window corners? On the NixOS website there is a collection of ready-made configurations for every taste.

    If you set up the OS for work, the first time it will take a week. Subsequently, you just need to copy the configuration file to the appropriate directory and rebuild.

    Yes, NixOS is almost impossible to break. And yes, it just works.