ok, look. i understand that this show is highly celebrated, but for me, i don’t understand how you can enjoy a show that has no light at the end of the tunnel. i was curious about the show, and i spoiled myself on a few things, i’ve watched 3 whole episodes total, the first one, the escape from la, and the finale. and bojack does some terrible stuff that there is no escape from, even when he changes, or so i’ve heard from a review.

i just don’t understand why i should watch a cartoon from start to finish when i know that the ending itself carries no sense of hope. i’m sorry if this sounds stupid, but is this show something you guys still rewatch even despite knowing how things will turn out? how do you do it?

i;m not against angst or tragedy in shows, but this one just seems too much for me.

  • bpdbabexB
    10 months ago

    bojack’s life is a car crash but i do believe, despite where he ends up in the last episode, he’s found some light at the end of the tunnel.