We have all seen it over and over again: “Orisa can survive anything and her kit is full of CC, she needs a nerf!” and “Reinhardt’s shield is made of paper and he gets hit by CC whenever he tries to do anything, he needs a buff!”. This is wrong.
I am aware it is not 100% accurate, but it gives a general idea of what heroes are good and what heroes are bad. And if we compare it to the information blizzard gave us (Reinhardt is the best performing in low ranks, and Sigma is the best performing in in high ranks), then it lines up.
The horse we all know and hate. Invincible and counters half the tank roster. Should be the meta pick, right? And Reinhardt, gets hard countered by half the roster, so he shouldn’t have a high win rate, right? Well… let’s work our way up from Bronze to Grandmaster and see.
Interesting. Reinhardt doesn’t have a high win rate or a low one (compared to other tanks), he is mostly middle of the pack. Orisa, through? She is in top 3 lowest win rate, only Winston and Doomfist are worst, yet she has the highest pick rate out of all the tanks. Anyways, let’s go up to gold, this will only get worst for Rein, right? Since people get smarter and learn how to play outside melee range.
Quite the opposite, actually. As we rise in the ranks, Reinhardt maintains a high win rate (compared to other tanks) and a high pick rate, even through the low and mid ranks are full of Orisa. Speaking of Orisa, Doomfist rises up dramatically and the horse now gets the number two spot of the lowest win rate tank, yet she still is in top 3 most picked tanks.
A surprise guest makes a sudden appearance, which is not really a surprise if you have been paying attention to all the heroes in the chart or the current meta. Sigma makes it to top 3 with a good win rate, taking Orisa’s spot, and the horse goes even lower, but at least Winston still has a lower win rate, right? Spoiler, not for long. Oh, and can’t forget our armored crusader, who has the highest win rate and the highest pick rate.
Ah, GM, the best of the best. Rein is considered trash in high ranks by most people, since the players up there know how to stay out of his melee range, and if he is getting value, you can just go something like Bastion or Orisa to “hard counter” him, making Rein unplayable. But if we take a look… that isn’t the case, at all. Rein keeps his spot in top 3, and with a good win rate, only behind Sigma and Junker Queen. The golden wall of death, Orisa? She falls down hard, and becomes the lowest win rate tank.
Source: OverBuff
Blizzard themself have said that Reinhardt is the top tank in low ranks and Sigma in the high ranks, sadly we don’t know what ranks blizzard thinks are low and what ranks are high. Assuming gold is the most populated rank, then it means:
Low ranks = Bronze, Silver.
Mid ranks = Gold, Plat, Diamond.
High ranks = Masters, Grandmaster.
There is no mention of what tank is the best performing at mid ranks.
Source: Director’s Take - Looking ahead into Season 7 and BlizzCon
This information has been gathered 1 month ago, keep in mind.
From this information, using the 3-2-1 weighting system, we can conclude that the most played heroes in top 500 are:
- Sigma
- Reinhardt
- Zarya
- Sigma
- Zarya
- Reinhardt
- Zarya
- Winston
- Sigma
Source: Reddit post from user “Zaza_0”
If we put all of this information together, it’s pretty obvious that Orisa is not as good as people say (Through I have to admit that the “Orisa is OP” crowd has died down a lot), and that Rein is much better than people say, he is actually one of the best tanks currently in the game, having a high win rate and high pick rate.
What I’m getting from this is that EU is filled of Rein GIGACHADS and it brings me immense joy