I used to be able to source high-quality developers for small front-end projects from Upwork.

Simple things like build a custom page in Shopify that we already have designs for in a Figma file. I would pay above market rates to get the best talent.

The last 5-10 projects I’ve tried hiring freelance developers for have been total failures. I’m talking about “Top Rated Plus” developers unable to build a simple page with no interactive elements within a week, and quitting because they can’t figure out how to finish the project.

Does anyone here have any suggestions for good developer marketplaces? I’ve learned after this current project that I’m done with Upwork, because even filtering for devs who have billed 1,000+ hours, are top rated and based in the US and they’re still totally incompetent. It’s truly strange.

  • FollowMe22OPB
    10 months ago

    This is an insightful response and I appreciate it.

    It’s interesting that you say you don’t do fixed price contracts because that probably accounts for a lot of the issue.

    I only hire for fixed price contracts because it’s the only way to protect against developers failing and still charging me.

    That is to say, the quality (of even the “top” freelancers on Upwork) is so poor that most of them fail simple jobs and take many hours to complete simple jobs.

    If I hire someone to create one static page from a Figma file, and it takes them 18 hours because they’re incompetent, it doesn’t make sense to monetarily reward them for their slow work.

    However, I understand how it could work in a different direction from your perspective. A client could keep requesting more things (even beyond the scope) and never mark the job completed.

    I have no problem paying a developer I actually trust and who’s moderately competent per hour. I can’t pay the idiots I keep encountering on Upwork per hour. Therein lies the issue I think lol.