Does anybody on here follow the major Minnesota sports and think to themselves “well, it would be awesome to get a championship with the Twins or a first for the Wild or Wolves” but deep down you know you’d be a hell of a lot more excited on the Vikings?

The wolves have the top record in the NBA and the later two have strung together great seasons. If the wolves won a championship id be psyched but deep down the Vikings are the team you pine for winning it all. Itll be fantastic someday.

  • Bzz22B
    10 months ago

    I bleed purple first but the ‘91 World Series was massive for my sports psyche.

    I would guess for the majority of the over 50 crowd on here… the t wolves and wild weren’t here when we were kids… so, I would think it may not be the same feeling as the Vikings foremost (cuz it’s been never) and the Twins cuz we was raised on them and it’s been 30 years.