Hey ppl. how ya folks doin’?

I’m just figured out that my setup seems to use a bit more vram in idle as I wished it would be:

Xorg and KWIN together are using between 350 - 450 MB of vram.

Which is normally fine, until I got a bad optimized game (like I mean StarCitizen is far away from beeing optimized in a good way, but I figured out how I can finally play this game on linux having a decent consistent framerate). That wants to use nearly that 8 GB or more, even I set the vram limit in dxvk to 6gb.

Anyway, here my setup:

- Having a nvidia 3070 ti card

- 12600k / 32gb of RAM (if this any matter)

- On KDE / KWIN /Plasma / x11 (wayland does not make that much differ in vram usage unless wayland makes strange flickering bugs in combination with nvidia)

- 1 display 3440x1440, 165hz

Does anyone notices a similar thing? Is this only nvidia AND / OR KDE related? Or is this even normal? I might try other DE later just to verify its or it is not the DE.

BTW: Is it necessary for xorg to use any vram? Can’t it just be the regular RAM? Is disabling HW acceleration for the DE/WM a thing?

Any suggestion appreciated!

  • itouchdennisOPB
    10 months ago

    Yeah I already figured put that the launcher needs many vram and closing it will release kn my case up to 600mb.

    For me putting a dxvk conf and limiting the vram to 6gb that the game will see did the most part to let the game be playable. Its still hitting around 7.1 GB vram but now I am close to the 8 and its playable (not having any other program open in background).

    I did sometimes get another vram leak wich causes 5fps ingame but I think as you mentioned it its a game fault, not especially a fault of the „system“ as I would say is a good mid range system.

    Currently I have around 45-80 fps depending on where I am, which is fine for this game. Before I did any optimization I was around 15-25 fps which hurt my eyes.

    The lug discord is great, the history helped me much.