Hey ppl. how ya folks doin’?

I’m just figured out that my setup seems to use a bit more vram in idle as I wished it would be:

Xorg and KWIN together are using between 350 - 450 MB of vram.

Which is normally fine, until I got a bad optimized game (like I mean StarCitizen is far away from beeing optimized in a good way, but I figured out how I can finally play this game on linux having a decent consistent framerate). That wants to use nearly that 8 GB or more, even I set the vram limit in dxvk to 6gb.

Anyway, here my setup:

- Having a nvidia 3070 ti card

- 12600k / 32gb of RAM (if this any matter)

- On KDE / KWIN /Plasma / x11 (wayland does not make that much differ in vram usage unless wayland makes strange flickering bugs in combination with nvidia)

- 1 display 3440x1440, 165hz

Does anyone notices a similar thing? Is this only nvidia AND / OR KDE related? Or is this even normal? I might try other DE later just to verify its or it is not the DE.

BTW: Is it necessary for xorg to use any vram? Can’t it just be the regular RAM? Is disabling HW acceleration for the DE/WM a thing?

Any suggestion appreciated!