Seeking Input: Ideal “Intro to ML” Syllabus

Hello everyone,

I’m in the process of designing an “Introduction to Machine Learning” syllabus and would appreciate your input. What would your ideal syllabus include?


  • The syllabus should cover both supervised and unsupervised learning.
  • Assume students have a reasonable understanding of linear algebra and statistics.
  • Focus should be on ML algorithms and practical programming.
  • The course duration is 20 hours.

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on essential topics, structure, and any specific resources or methodologies you’d recommend. The aim is to create a comprehensive and effective learning path for beginners in machine learning.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

  • FakenMCB
    10 months ago

    Hi, some suggestions based on course developed by us (removed some stuff to fit in 20 hours):

    • Concept of learning: supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised.
    • Regression: simple and multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, regularization, SVR, decision trees, random forest regression.
    • Classification: Logistic regression, K-NN, SVM, kernel SVM, naive Bayes, decision trees, random forests.
    • Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, UMAP.
    • Clustering: k-means, hierarchical clustering.
    • Feature selection and extraction.
    • Evaluation and generalization: training set, test and validation, cross-validation, parameter tuning, grid search, XGBoost.
    • Python notebooks and libraries for ML: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, scipy and others.

    Hope it’s useful!