in what universe is this good for the players or the game? who enjoys losing ten straight one sided games? i lost these 8 straight and then one more that isn’t even pictured. explain to me why i’m being punished for playing well. I play great games and then i’m matched with idiots who’ve never held a controller a day in their life. or grown ass men who just throw the game by walking around the map and not shooting. id rather the game give me an instant defeat as soon as the game starts then be forced to play this shit match making in stomps.

if you think forced 50/50 isn’t real, or that it’s good, drop a comment so i can prove you wrong.

  • PaulGeorgeFan1OPB
    11 months ago

    50/50 would be ok if it wasn’t in steaks like dude i don’t don’t any other game that is like this and maybe tracking past matches is also helping my idea. and honestly, i’m not facing better opponents; my teammates are getting worse.