Why is that the sportmanship in Overwatch 2 is at an all-time low?

Especially on Youtube, Tiktok and Reddit, the discussion about the game is horrifically bad and unconstructive.

People blaming each other, thinking that playing a certain role in the game makes them the most important person in the community. You have DPS players trash talking Supports, Supports trashing Tanks, Tanks trashing DPS…it’s just a cesspool of toxic indivualidty in a team based game.

Seriously just go into the comment section of any discussion video about Overwatch and there are dozens and dozens of comments trashtalking a certain role and reducing whatever achievements people have made playing that role to nothing. And this 100% spills into the actual game itself, almost every single game sees “[role] diff” comments and people just being hyperfocused on themselves.

Maybe time has somehow made the memories more sweet but I think I never saw this kind of elitism in Overwatch 1 days. What happened?

  • Sin1st_erB
    10 months ago

    Because content creators like Flats exist and encourage this type of bad sportsmanship and so their audience, especially the younger ones, see them act that way and go “This must be the reason why I lose that many games and suck with this hero!” so it becomes normalized in their daily routine.

    Obviously this doesn’t apply for every case but it still plays a huge role in toxicity and role elitism.