I’ve read about the majority of iPhone 15 Pro Max defects, but got one anyways. Right out of the box, I noticed a little dark blue dot on the back of mine by the charge port. I know I can be very picky, so I chose to ignore this one.

Decided to put my screen protector on just now, as I had direct sunlight blaring into the room, and wanted it to go on well. As I was inspecting for any missed dust, the direct sunlight revealed what looks like an indentation in the screen under the glass.

I can’t see it with the screen on, or even in normal room lighting, but in a well lit room, it’s definitely there. I am less concerned with the aesthetic and more concerned about future screen issues here.

That said, it was hard to photograph too, but I did the best I could. I circled the indent in the photo. The indent is parallel to the top of the phone and is much more prevalent in person.

I feel like for the retail price, these things should be flawless. Should I try to get a replacement or am I overreacting?

  • Hopeful_Cold3769B
    10 months ago


    I’m just like you - one of those people who happens to noice every single little cosmetic defect, and sometimes it can drive me insane.

    with that said, I have good and bad news for you:

    the good news is that apple has an awesome return policy so if you decide to replace it you can, more than once even.

    the bad news is that these are mass produced items, every single one of them will have some kind of defect somewhere, so you won’t get you perfect device. those who say otherwise are just blissfully ignorant.

    with that in mind- I’d recommend you set yourself the bar for what is considered “unforgivable” - for me it is screen damage and things that are large enough that I see them during my everyday use of the device.

    don’t forget to update on your decision and outcome, good luck!