I was watching some R6 Pro League compilations, and a lot of people there said that the game is a shell of its former self, that it’s not as fun anymore, etc. This is a sentiment I’ve heard echoed a lot of times in this subreddit as well. Therefore, I would like to ask; how as it become worse? What has changed? Is this a matter of time and mindset, of a different creative direction, or has Ubisoft genuinely mainly made negative changes for the game?

If you think the game is worse, why, how, and when? If you don’t think so, why do you think people think so? Thanks!

  • HannibalLeceterB
    10 months ago

    I’m still having fun and the pros can get bent nothing brought me more joy than watching Tim the tat man get shitted on by casuals when MWII first came out (I know this is a seige page) I personally think it’s pro players killing games because you get 20 people with a huge fan basebitching about something then the thing gets nerfed into the ground when in reality all they had to do was change the tactics if people are cooking grenades and killing you just play wami or Jager don’t nerf grenades