Strikes me as very stupid and very bad. Is there any case to still be made for the trade not being either of those things

  • joergonixB
    10 months ago

    If we were actually contenders and the entire organization believed that we had a shot of making a deep playoff run this year then I love it. That said, the offense has been struggling since last season and outside of a couple okay performances it should have been obvious to Pete and company that this team isnt beating the 49ers Eagles or Cowboys.

    I think I am most bothered by the thought process that losing a key trench guy on defense immediately warranted making a big trade, but being down 2 Olineman after week 1 and another 2 after week two warranted no changes at all. I get Uchena was a season ending injury, but for a coach who values a stable running attack he sure doesnt act like it when it comes to his front 5.

    I guess at the end of the day I wasnt looking at this team in week 7 thinking man we are only a player away on defense from being contenders. So i struggle with the concept that Pete and John did think that.