Hello, I’m 24 and I am broke as hell. The almost last 4 years I’ve been learning about finances and I’ve also been trying to start my own online business (trading - the first three years I was into forex and few months ago I have switched to futures).

Basically there were times when it looked really promising but unfortunately I failed due to my own mistakes and something similar happened today - I blow up my capital again. The main reason why I keep failing are my emotions.

I have just few hundreds save up in my bank acc and I do not have any job nor any useful skill. I’m really not sure if I should keep going or try different business although currently I don’t know about anything. I’ve also tried various jobs but I didn’t enjoy anything.

TLDR - I’m unemployed 24 years old broke guy who the last 4 years has been trying to start online business called trading; today I lost my capital and I really do not know what to do next - keep trying ? Try different business? I’ve tried various jobs but didn’t enjoy anything and I feel like a complete failure

  • travelguy23B
    10 months ago

    You spent years learning about finance but you either didn’t learn anything or ignored what you did learn.

    If you can’t control your emotions, you shouldn’t be trading.

    You also shouldn’t be trading if you don’t understand risk. There is no excuse for blowing up your capital. You should never risk everything.

    Instead of learning about finance, learn how to control your emotions.

    Get a job for now.