When I was playing dying light with friend we discovered that every timw you go to sleep and wake up air drop will appear, if you don’t know air drops are pretty rare and if you collext them and deliver to one guy you will recieve lots of xp, we used that multiple times to unlock grapling hook very early. Air drops also gave lots of medicine which was hard to get in early game and that very helped us

  • AdmiralAuckaB
    10 months ago

    I played SWG full time on the test server. They were testing a new raid type system and were ready to release it after a 3 day weekend. I was playing one of the new raids with my guild on that Friday before release. I was in the middle of a fight against a boss named Lelli and was frantically trying to write a combat loop macro in mid fight. Instead of entering “/target Lelli” I entered “/Lelli”.

    When the macro was run, it made me invisible, untargetable, immune to damage, and with all of Lelli’s abilities, including being flagged to attack other players at will whether they were flagged for pvp or not. Basically I could one shot kill anyone I wanted with complete impunity.

    Nothing the in game GMs could do would reverse it. QA was unable to write a batch script to unflag me or a group of players at once. My account had to be manually edited.

    If it had gone live the following Tuesday, they told me it would have literally ended the game. QA would have had to manually edit every single account that used the exploit.

    I got an email from John Smedley and he logged into the game to personally thank me for finding the exploit before it went live.