It’s everywhere. From images, to videos, to Tiktoks, to adverts … I’m over saturated with opinions, replays, player ratings, hyperbole and the like.

There’s only so much you can take.

Example 1. The Newcastle goal vervus Arsenal. Never ending discussions on the decision. The hyperbolic nature of the punditry. The uneven opinions of the same people.

Example 2. Handball against Newcastle. Hundreds of videos all moaning, complaining over and over again. The same pundits complaining and restarting their opinion.

And now the new one - the ref not giving Man City an advantage in the Tottenham game. It starts all over again. The videos, the complaining, the shouting Tiktoks…

I just don’t care anymore.

Rational discussions are gone, replaced with hyperbole and drama.

It’s too much. I can’t watch any football related content anymore.

The only thing to do is to shut it all out but the commentary is just as bad.

  • man_u_is_my_teamB
    10 months ago

    I’m a United fan and obviously I’m falling out of love with the sport faster than most… but …

    This whole American people doing clips on why Ten Hag’s philosophy isn’t as good as Arrigo Sacchi, when they are reading of a script and 5 months ago didn’t know what footie is…

    The VAR over analysing EVERY ACTION after a goal is scored….

    Players on RIDICULOUS contracts. I mean players always were on high money but nowadays certain footballers, like Mbappe or other top players can literally purchase a premier league club with their earnings…

    It’s making players multi millionaires before they’re even starting their career trajectory….

    The soul of football is dying.